Artists! - Lauren Thuli, an amazing painter in Wisconsin, is also my amazing mom! :) Each of her paintings is inspired by "the natural beauty, colors and energies of everyday life."

Janeen Koconis:  Amazing artist, creator of greeting cards, author, and more...!  She is also my amazing aunt, based now in Paris. 

James Koconis:  Amazing artist and portrait painter based in Wisconsin, and also my amazing uncle!



Building the Bridge -- A bridge between home and school, by the amazing Amanda Hamilton!

Danielle Alaimo -- Miss Alaimo's ELL Website/El Sitio de Web de Miss Alaimo, una maestra de ingles como segundo lenguaje.

Robin Bady:  Robin Bady, an incredible Storyteller, who I met when she taught at our school in East Harlem. Wonderful for all ages!!!!